
xnLinkFinder Cheat Sheet

A python tool used to discover endpoints, potential parameters, and a target specific wordlist for a given target


  • mdobydullah



  • Find Links from a specific target

    xnLinkFinder -i target.com -sf target.com
  • Find Links from a list of URLs

    xnLinkFinder -i target_js.txt -sf target.com
  • Find Links from a files in a directory

    xnLinkFinder -i ~/.config/waymore/results/target.com
  • Find Links from a Burp project

    xnLinkFinder -i target_burp.xml
  • Find Links from an OWASP ZAP project

    xnLinkFinder -i target_zap.txt
  • Find Links from a Cadio export CSV file

    xnLinkFinder -i 2023-03-18-010332_csv_requests.csv
  • Find Links from a Waymore results directory

    xnLinkFinder -i ~/Tools/waymore/results/target.com


  • Find Links from a specific target

    xnLinkFinder -i target.com -sp target_prefix.txt -sf target_scope.txt -spo -inc -vv -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' -c 'SessionId=MYSESSIONID' -u desktop mobile -d 10
  • Find Links from a Burp project

    xnLinkFinder -i target_burp.xml -o target_burp.txt -sp https://www.target.com -sf target.* -ow -spo -inc -vv


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